


The 86th Session of the Assembly of the Association and the signing of the National Collective Agreement (NCA) for Croatian seafarers on ships in international navigation

86th Session of the Assembly of the Association


On December 10, 2018, the 86th session of the Assembly of the Association was held.

Attended members of the Assembly / Deputy Assembly members were:


Vicenco Jerković, Atlantska plovidba

Marinko Popović, Hrvatski registar brodova

Dražen Padovan, Jadranski pomorski servis

David Sopta, Jadrolinija

Branimir Kovačić, Jadroplov

Mario Pavić, Tankerska plovidba


The highlights of the agenda were:

  1. State of the shipping market and prospects for 2019
  2. Work Report from 2018
  3. Work Program for 2019
  4. Financial Plan for 2019

A decision on verification of the final text of the National Collective Agreement for Croatian seafarers on ships in international navigation (2019 - 2020)

The decision about the appointment of Director of CSA Mare Nostrum


The signing of the National Collective Agreement for Croatian Seafarers on Ships in International Navigation (2019 - 2020)


After the session of the Assembly, which verified the final text of the National Collective Agreement for Croatian Seafarers on International Sailing Boats (2019-2020), Mr. David Sopta, President of the Assembly of CSA Mare Nostrum and Mr. Neven Melvan, General Secretary of the Seafarers' Union of Croatia have signed the National Collective Agreements for Croatian Seafarers on Ships in International Navigation (2019-2020), which will apply from 1 January 2019.



Croatian Maritime and Inland Navigation Days in Zadar

ZADAR - The celebration of this year 'Croatian Maritime and Inland Navigation Day' which is dedicated to Croatian Navy and Inland Navigation and all segments of the Croatian Maritime Sector will be held this year during two days in Zadar. The event will be organized by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure.

The event will start by the symbolic laying of the wreath in the sea for all missing seafarers and afterward, there will be a rich commemorative program filled with diverse contents from the domain of maritime affairs, maritime culture, education and science, and naval customs and skills. Also, the ceremonial ceremony of wreaths will take place in the envisaged order and at different locations.

  • The competition of marine chefs will start at 10.00 am and it will be held in the yard of the Zadar Tourist Information Center (Cedulin Palace). The program will last until 2 pm and all citizens will be able to taste the prepared delicious seafood specialties free of charge.


  • At the Maritime High School Zadar (Ante Kuzmanića 1) from 10.30 am to 11.00 am there will be a presentation called 'Project of the Ministry for Supply of Equipment'. Also, the Maritime High School Zadar will open its doors and show to all interested visitors the newly acquired teaching equipment.


  • The University of Zadar at 11:00 am will start a program entitled 'Competition of Maritime Faculties' and the subject of the program will be 'How do I see Croatian Navy in the Next Five Year Period?'. The State Secretary for the Sea, Maja Markovčić Kostelac, will also attend the competition. The program will be held at the University of Zadar (Street Mihovil Pavlinović 1), and it will be open until 12.45 am. Director of CSA Mare Nostrum, Sandro Vidas, will participate in the jury of the competition.

The highlight on the first day of the event will be Gala Academy. Minister Oleg Butković and his associates will award recognition to individuals and organizations that have given a special contribution to the development of maritime and inland navigation. According to the Ministry of the Sea, Transport, and Infrastructure, the ceremony will start at 7:30 pm and it will be held in the Arsenal (Three Wells Square 1).


A session of the Technical Commission was held

At the session it was discussed:


  1. Report from MEPC's 73rd Session
  2. Work Program for 2019
  3. Global Sulfur Cap 2020.
  4. LIFE Initiative
  5. Initiative for R & D in Enterprises - Application of liquefied hydrogen
  6. Project GUTTA - Project Presentation, University of Zadar and Association


Fourth Session of the Commission on Legal Issues and Insurance

The 4th session of the Commission on Legal Affairs and Insurance was held on November 14, 2018


The following agenda items were:


  1. Amendments to the Maritime Code
  2. Ordinance on Determining the Health Capability of Crews of Maritime Ships
  3. Maritime Domain and Seaports Act
  4. Law on Transport in Linear and Occasional Coastal Maritime Traffic
  5. Ordinance on the highest permissible noise levels in the area where people live and work
  6. Work Program for 2019


It is envisaged that the Draft Amendments to the Maritime Code will be on the agenda of the Government meeting of 12 December 2018, which submits the final proposal for adoption to the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia. According to that, the remaining issues related to the Maritime Code were discussed: tonnage tax, yacht cruise definition and question clearing time.

The Ordinance on Determining the Health Capability of Crews of Maritime Ships has highlighted the problem of the unconstitutionality of a family medicine physician's statement on the health of seafarers, which causes ship-owners major material and other problems for the specifics of work and life on board.

It is proposed to initiate an amendment to the Ordinance on the Determination of the Health Conditions of Crews of Maritime Boats and to create a Working Group for the Amendment of the Regulations. It has also been noted that seafarers' psychological testing is only for employment, which is not enough and it is also necessary to initiate a change of tests at the Chamber of Psychologists.

It was emphasized that the proposal of the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act from September 2018 was too liberal regarding the quality of the market and business of our shipping companies. Also, the question of mooring and drifting should be settled by regarded Law because it was announced that in 2019, services of mooring and drifting should be paid to port captains at each take-off in coastal liner shipping.

The addition to this will be a proposal related to noise in ports and amendments to the Article. 149. ZPDML which defines the services of mooring and drifting. Completed draft proposal and amendments to the ZPDML will be aligned with the members and submitted to the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Regarding the Law on Transport in Linear and Occasional Coastal Maritime Traffic, the abolition of the Agency for Coastal Maritime Traffic is foreseen. Also, for the year 2019 other changes are foreseen. The Work Program for 2019 of the Commission for Legal Affairs and Insurance will include the discussion and potential amendments to the Law on Transport in Regular and Occasional Coastal Shipping and the Rulebook on Conditions for Carriage of Maritime Cabotages in the Republic of Croatia.



On October 18, 2018, Croatian Mediation Association traditionally marked "World Conflict Resolution Day" and Mediation Awards at Hotel Panorama Zagreb.

Croatian Shipowners' Associaton Mare Nostrum received a "Mediation Award for Association of Employers 2018”.

The theme of the panel was "Mediation - a look at the future". The moderator was Srđan Šimac and other panelists were:

Dalibor Čajkovski, a lawyer in Rijeka and a conciliator

Darija Knez Grbcic, Judge and Head of the Municipal Court Conciliation Service in Rijeka,

Petar Petrić, a lawyer in Zagreb and co-rapporteur, president of the Supervisory Board of HUM,

Anda Kostijal, LL.B, senior adviser at the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts,

Dalibor Ružić, LL.B, President of the Commission for Alternative Dispute Settlements in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia,

Branka Sremac, Director of Legal Affairs and Human Resource Sector - Croatia Airlines d.d.

Prva Prethodna 96 do 100 od 129 događanja Sljedeća Zadnja

News and events

55th session of the Financial Commission

On the occasion of holding the Financial Commission of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum, the members, president and director of the Association met at a regular meeting on May 16, 2024 in Zagreb.

All current topics in the field of shipping financing were discussed, of which in particular:

- the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the OECD and the impact of the OECD Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (Pillar II) and Directive (EU) 2022/2523 on the national tonnage tax system

- the work of the EU Council on the Proposal of the new Energy Taxation Directive and its possible impact on the price of fuel

- the double taxation problem in Argentina and India and

- methods of shipping financing.


Europe Day

As Europe Day is celebrated on May 9, on this day we are proud that Mare Nostrum, as part of the European Community Shipowners' Association (ECSA), works on strengthening its cooperation with other EU member states through involvement in EU maritime policies.


125th Session of the HUB Mare Nostrum Assembly: Expectations for Shipping Sector in the Coming Period

The 125th session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum was held in the premises of Jadrolinija, Rijeka on 3 May 2024.

Alongside with the Association's members and its Directorate, Ms Antonia Bebić, maritime attaché from the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union also participated in the session's work presenting us ongoing legislative work and all of the maritime related topics that are currently being discussed within the EU institutions as well as under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


11th Career Day of the Maritime Faculty in Rijeka

Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum participated with its member at  the 11th Career Day of the Maritime Faculty in Rijeka.


75th anniversary of the Maritime Faculty in Rijeka

We congratulate the Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka for 75 years of activity, which has rightly placed it at the very top of the higher education institutions that educate personnel in the maritime field in the Republic of Croatia.

As potential future employers of students of this Faculty, members of Mare Nostrum closely monitor the progress and development of all study programs at the Faculty.


Happy Easter!


DG CLIMA and EMSA organized a webinar on the topic of EU ETS

On March 18, 2024, the director of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum, together with other representatives of our Association, participated in a webinar organized by the Directorate General of the European Commission for Climate Policy (DG CLIMA) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).


Meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Community Shipowners' Association

On March 5 and 6, 2024, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the European Community Shipowners' Association (ECSA) was held, attended by Mrs. Ivona Anić Miklec, director of HUB Mare Nostrum and Mr. Marko Domijan, president of the HUB Mare Nostrum Assembly.

Together with colleagues from 21 national associations of shipowners from EU member states and Norway, they discussed all current topics in the field of shipping as well as proposals for new EU legislative acts that are currently being discussed under the auspices of the EU Council and the European Parliament.


22nd Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

Under the newly elected leadership of the Supervisory Board - Mr. Nikola Koščica from Tankerska plovidba d.d. and with the members of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Robert Banko from Alpha Adriatic d.d. and Mr. Vicenco Jerković from Atlantska plovidba d.d. as well as with the presence of Mr. Roman Balta, a long-time associate of the Accounting Association Biro Balta d.o.o. and the leadership of the Association, on February 29, 2024, the 22nd session of the Supervisory Board of HUB Mare Nostrum was held in the Association's premises.


124th Session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

On February 16, 2024, in the premises of the relevant Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, the 124th session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum was held, the first session since the arrival of the new director in the Association.

The goal of the session was, after reviewing the work of the Association in the previous period, to adopt the Work Plan and Financial Plan for the work of the Association in 2024, as well as to discuss all current topics related to shipping and the work of the Association in general.

The goal of the session was, after reviewing the work of the Association in the previous period, to adopt the Work Plan and Financial Plan for the work of the Association in 2024, as well as to discuss all current topics related to shipping and the work of the Association in general.On February 16, 2024, in the premises of the relevant Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, the 124th session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum was held, the first session since the arrival of the new director in the Association.
The goal of the session was, after reviewing the work of the Association in the previous period, to adopt the Work Plan and Financial Plan for the work of the Association in 2024, as well as to discuss all current topics related to shipping and the work of the Association in general.

Workshop of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development for Shipping Companies

On February 8, 2024, representatives of the members of our Association as well as the Director of the Association, Mrs. Ivona Anić Miklec, participated in another in a series of useful workshops organized by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development on the topic of introducing maritime transport into the greenhouse gas emissions trading system within the Union (EU ETS) as well as the obligations of monitoring and reporting on emissions from maritime traffic that are forthcoming based on Regulation (EU) 2023/957.


Appointment of Ivona Anić Miklec as the director of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

On January 1, 2024, Mrs. Ivona Anić Miklec took over the position of director of the Croatian Association of Shipowners Mare Nostrum. Under the leadership of the director, the association will continue to be a responsible social partner in collective negotiations with unions and will promote the interests of Croatian shipowners before all competent bodies of state administration and local and regional self-government, as well as before competent bodies at the international and EU level. In the coming period, the association will strongly support its members in the digital and green transition of their business on the way to sustainable shipping. The association will work on strengthening its identity and cooperation with related associations, as well as strengthening the position of Mare Nostrum under cover of its European family - the European Community Shipowners' Association (ECSA).


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024


EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) seminar

The Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum organized an educational seminar on the subject of EU ETS on December 19, 2023, where the keynote address was given by Mr. Dino Kučić, specialist in fuel procurement and sustainable development - EMS/EnMS manager at Croatia Airlines.


123rd session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

The 123rd session of the Assembly was held on Monday, December 11, 2023, in the premises of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure in Zagreb. The session was attended by six members of the Association, and the guest of the session was Cap. Siniša Orlić.


120th Session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

On Thursday, September 28, 2023, the 120th session of the Assembly was held in the premises of Tankerska Plovidba in Zadar. The session was attended by nine members of the Association, and the guest of the session was a representative of the Agency for Coastal Line Maritime Transport.


European Shipping Summit 2023

Europan Shipping Summit was held in Brussels on 19-20 September 2023. Strategic importance of shipping and seafarers for the EU economy and security was emphasized as it transports more than 72% of the EU's external trade and secures the supply of essential goods such as food, energy, pharmaceuticals and raw materials. European shipping represents almost 40% of the global fleet. Important aspects of the green transition in shipping were discussed, such as low and zero carbon shipping, clean fuels, innovative technologies, vessel designs, as well as how adequate ship finance is key for implementation of sustainbility and achieving green transition and climate objectives.


Signed Collective Agreement for seafarers on ships that carry out transportation in liner coastal shipping

On June 29, 2023, in the morning hours in Rijeka, on the premises of Jadrolinija, the Collective Agreement was signed for seafarers on ships that carry out transportation in coastal shipping.

The Vice President of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković, President of the Jadrolinija Board David Sopta, representatives of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum, representatives of trade union partners and other esteemed guests were present at the ceremonial signing of the Agreement.

The signatories of the agreement are the Croatian Shipowners Association Mare Nostrum, the Croatian Seamen's Union and the Independent Croatian Passenger Ship Seamen's Union.


118th Session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum

On Thursday, May 18, 2023, the 118th session of the Assembly of the Croatian Shipowners' Association Mare Nostrum was held at the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Pula.


Meeting about the Supervision of Croatian ships in foreign ports by port state inspectors

The meeting about the Supervision of Croatian ships in foreign ports by port state inspectors was held on April 4, 2023.


Happy Easter!


Croatian Shipowners’ Association Mare Nostrum is a full member of the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA)

From 1 January 2023, Croatian Shipowners’ Association Mare Nostrum is a full member of the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA). 


Towards a more sustainable maritime transport: research and innovation for route optimization in Puglia and in Croatia

Is it possible to improve and enhance maritime transport and, at the same time, contribute to reduce emissions in the field of mobility? The pathway towards a more sustainable ferry transportation can now benefit from a new and effective routing tool. This is thanks to the GUTTA project.

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